About Remoting Framework API

Discussion in 'General' started by mark0168, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. mark0168

    mark0168 New Member

    ISPConfig is very great.
    We want to build a free service as blogspot.com.
    People register a subdomain, our PHP website open a account and install the wordpress scripts.

    Since we have to limit the disk quota as we don't have much budget, we choose ispconfig to control the quota.

    The remote framework can help us to pass values to control ispconfig.
    However, we face a problem if we update to install the api, will the update delete the already there websites because we have 100+ running sudbodmain websites.

    Does the API update destory the existing websites?
    Thanks for your help.:)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you mean an ISPConfig update? ISPConfig updates don't destroy any data.

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