Access control

Discussion in 'Technical' started by newbie14, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. newbie14

    newbie14 New Member

    Dear All,
    I have a fedora 10 server. So now I would like to create new users and control the acess for them from both telnet and ftp. So I saw about chroot. Is there any good site or tutorial to help me as I am a beginner here. Thank you.
  2. thesslstore

    thesslstore New Member

    Hello newbie..

    Have you ever tried to find it out from google?

    In order to use Linux system you must have user account on the system, there is several different way to add a user account on the system.
    Here is an article where you will find it in detail:

    Hope this helps you..!!
  3. newbie14

    newbie14 New Member

    Dear Store,
    I know how to add users. The problem I do not know how give them limited acccess that is my problem? Thank you.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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