ACK Major screwup!

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by craig baker, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. craig baker

    craig baker Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I updated roundcube 1.2.5 to 1.3 and I'm screwed!!! I forgot to backup the roundcube database files (I did backup the /var/www/apps/roundcube folder) and the database upgade took place all seemed to work but it turns out
    1) had to upgrade php to 5.4. I did that under ispconfig as I had built a 5.4 version of fast-cgi
    BUT -- the ispconfgi3 plugin throws errors: in /var/log/roundcube/errors
    [15-Jul-2017 09:40:16] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_input_value() in /var/www/apps/roundcube/plugins/ispconfig3_autoselect/ispconfig3_autoselect.php on line 60
    [15-Jul-2017 09:40:54] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_input_value() in /var/www/apps/roundcube/plugins/ispconfig3_autoselect/ispconfig3_autoselect.php on line 60
    [15-Jul-2017 09:42:16] PHP Fatal error: Call to

    ack ack!!! when I copied the roundcube folder from 1.2.5 back in place now I cant log in:
    [15-Jul-2017 10:04:26 -0400]: <dkgff31g> DB Error: [1054] Unknown column 'created' in 'field list' (SQL Query: INSERT INTO `session` (`sess_id`, `vars`, `ip`, `created`, `changed`) VALUES ('dkgff31gen1olhee3ou9u80ak1', 'dGVtcHxiOjE7bGFuZ3VhZ2V8czo1OiJlbl9VUyI7dGFza3xzOjU6ImxvZ2luIjtyZXF1ZXN0X3Rva2VufHM6MzI6IjZJMTdJanFScGRGSkg1M1A1MklGTzhYbWNGN0tlY2ltIjs=', '', now(), now())) in /var/www/apps/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 539 (GET /webmail/?_task=mail&_mbox=INBOX)

    help till!! either I need to fix ispconfig3 plugin for roundcube 1.3 (maybe just make it compatble with php 5.4? - or I have to locate the database file (where is it btw) - and somehow revert it to the 1.2.5 format?
    roundcube is completely down!

    alternately is there a way to have roundcube throw out the database that was updated by 1.3 and create a new copy of the correct 1.2.5 database with all the ispconfig information? ??
    help help help!

  2. craig baker

    craig baker Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Further info - after mutch digging, head scratching, I went to the database (via phpmyadmin)
    ispapp1 and looked at the session table. the field 'created' was missing! INTERESTING!
    I added a field created of type datetime (same as 'changed' I hoped) - and now roundcube seems to work! at least I'm able to login
    Just for amusement I llooked at the roundcube changelog and sure enough in v1.3:
    "Removed useless 'created' column from 'session' table (#5389)"

    go figure.

    and is ispapp1 just the roundcube database under ispconfig3 anyway??
    I guess I need to back it up before any futher upgrades!
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig itself uses a user named 'ispconfig'. User names like ispapp* are used by the app installer.
  4. craig baker

    craig baker Member HowtoForge Supporter

    clearly the ispconfig plugin is not compatible with php 5.4 (REQUIRED for roundcube 1.3) (throws unknown function) - any plans to upgrade it so that roundcube can do the upgrade?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are you talking the ISPConfig Roundcube plugin?

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