Two issues, one leading to the other. first I have a IPSConfig 3.2.5 server that sent me an email after trying to renew ACME SSL certs: Code: /root/ line 3623: command not found [Wed Mar 1 00:11:16 EST 2023] Error when run renew hook. [Wed Mar 1 00:11:16 EST 2023] Call hook error. not sure what the error meant, because I'm not an ACME specialist. I did run the acme renew-all command, and that led to my main reason for asking about this (FYI, domain name has been changed): Code: [Wed Mar 1 09:07:35 EST 2023] Verifying: [Wed Mar 1 09:07:36 EST 2023] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (1/30) [Wed Mar 1 09:07:39 EST 2023] error:DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for - check that a DNS record exists for this domain; DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up AAAA for - check that a DNS record exists for this domain [Wed Mar 1 09:07:39 EST 2023] Please check log file for more details: /var/log/ispconfig/acme.log [Wed Mar 1 09:07:40 EST 2023] Error renew that's certificate is referencing the name of the server, not an actual hosted site, so I'm assuming this is a leftover from the initial config? I checked the ACME conf file for that name, and it contains: Code: Le_Domain='' Le_Alt='' it's the LE_ALT setting that's causing the error message, I believe (should be blank?). I've poked around in the settings, and can't find where to turn off the auto-WWW for this reference - I know where it is for sites, but this name isn't listed under the domains that are hosted. Could someone point me to that location so I can turn that off, just to get rid of the error message? I could manually edit the conf file, but I'm assuming it'll just return at a later date. or maybe it's okay to edit it out? Code: --upgrade shows that it's currently up-to-date, by the way thanks.
Try upgrading ISPConfig to the latest version opting to create SSL during that process as there may be a fix to that though I can't remember any for now.
Just a guess, you have a website which you added to create that SSL cert and you set auto subdomain to 'www' in that site, but you should have set it to 'none' if you do not want the cert to contain the www subdomain.
till, no, i checked that, no site for that name. it's the name of the server though, so I'm betting its something done during the setup of the machine. ahrasis - can't upgrade past 3.2.5 - it's a centos 6 server, and something severely broke when I tried upgrading to 3.2.6, so not willing to try that again! it's not critical, i just noticed that error, was not able to find the setting, so it was bugging me. thanks.