Activesync for multiserver setup with ubuntu 20.04

Discussion in 'General' started by wwweiss, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. wwweiss

    wwweiss Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have a multiserver setup with panel, web, mailserver, webmailserver (I don't use DNS inside ISPConfig). All setup with the AI-script.
    Serveral customers want to get activesync for there smartphones / tablets.
    Is there a recommendation how to get this running? I found a lot of older tutorials some referring to kolab and some zu z-push (I assume kolab is using z-push).
    I don't like to insall kolab besides roundcube just to get activesync. So z-push seams to be the best solution.
    Has anyone implemented this? Or is there any better solution?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've never tried to set up ActiveSync, so I can't help you with that topic. Shall I move your post to the public forum as you'll probably get more responses from other users there?
  3. wwweiss

    wwweiss Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Sorry for my late response. I did not expect that you give a answser so fast!
    Yes please move to the public forum, I thought I posted there, but seems that I clicked one line too deep.
    Normally I also think ActiveSync is not so important, because most users only want to see their mails, but I have about 5 % of my customers who like to use ActiveSync. Maybe someone has got this running.
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Never used it before and not sure if it is wise to do so ;)
  5. wwweiss

    wwweiss Member HowtoForge Supporter

    After searching while, it obviously seems to be not good idea. I did not really find a really good working solution. Most of the times not all versions are supported or it is part of a whole colab-solution. ActiveSync is fine - if you have an Exchange-Server as your mailserver.
    But of course I think we need to have a good working solution for the typical situtation of a user, running Outlook on his PC, having a smartphone where he likes to read his mail and maybe another device like a table or a second PC.
    The mails of course are not problem with imap, but normally you also want your contacts and very often your schedules to be synchronized over all devices.
    Is there a recommendation for running caldav and carddav together in an ISPConfig setup? How about adding these things to the autoinstaller?
  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, but I'm afraid we won't get to do that anytime soon.
  7. wwweiss

    wwweiss Member HowtoForge Supporter

    After all my research I understand that this will be no easy job and maybe we get more troubles than advantages. One year ago I played arround with MailCow. They use SoGo which is working very well. But SoGo seems to go a more commercial way. Looking to the functionallity I would say SoGo would be the best solution. I tested MailCow with current smartphones and it was working well. I looked to the SoGo website and saw that they do not offer a repo for the open source version (at least I was not able to find it). Getting a contract from them is too expensive. I am curious about how MailCow solves this problem.
    These are just some thoughts for your planning
  8. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    It would be good to get this info into an issue in gitlab (search for existing feature request first and create one if none found), as I would expect this to just be lost in the archives without one, unless someone had an inclination to contribute the feature as a merge request.
  9. wwweiss

    wwweiss Member HowtoForge Supporter

    OK, will do that.

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