New person here... currently using ISPConfig 2, waiting for Rails support for ISPConfig 3.03, and I have a small feature request. One of the functions in PHP is the get_browser() function, which returns browser capabilities. This relies on a updated browscap.ini file, which is available from . The browscap file have a header at the beginning that looks like this: Code: [GJK_Browscap_Version] Version=4534 Released=Sat, 10 Apr 2010 01:03:16 -0000 Since we know the version # of the installed browscap, we could check once-per-day against . If the version numbers are different, then grab the updated browscap.ini file and install it. Why is this important? get_browser() requires the path to the browscap.ini file to be specified in the php.ini browscap directive which is flagged as PHP_INI_SYSTEM. This can only be specified at the system level, not at a user level. And ISP maintains the system-level php.ini file.