Add "Email Server" (multiserver config) with data on master server.

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Alessio calvio, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. Alessio calvio

    Alessio calvio New Member

    Hello, about a month ago I installed an ispconfig 3 server and configured a website with the addition of php 5.3.
    At the time you will prepare the server as if it were a webserver, mailserver and dbserver.
    Now I need to add a separate mail server and manage everything as if it were a multiserver.
    I tried to follow the official howtoforge guide for the multiserver
    ( -dedicated-web-email-dns-amp-mysql-database-servers-on-debian-squeeze-with-ispconfig-)
    but when I get to the part of the ispconfig script (launched on the mail server) where it tries to insert the records in the master I get this error:

    MySQL master server database name [dbispconfig]:

    ERROR: Stopped: Database already contains some tables.

    I deleted all the records (related to mailserver) present in the server table of the master database.
    What else should I do.
    I would not want to reconfigure the existing website because it is managed by another person (webdesigner) and moreover it is a legacy site (php 5.3).
    Thanks for your help.
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are you trying to run this mail server on the same system as your webserver?
  3. Alessio calvio

    Alessio calvio New Member

    We have two Virtual machine
    1. webserver (master db ispconfig actually configured )
    2. mailserver (i will this slave of master , actually run script install ispconfig on this in expertmode and multiserver slave)
    Ho guardato il codice di install.php, il problema arriva da install.php =>
    ./lib/installer_base.lib.php: $this->error('Stopped: Database already contains some tables.');
    ./lib/mysql.lib.php (line 650) =>
    // gibt Array mit Tabellennamen
    public function getTables($database_name = '') {
    if(!is_object($this->_iConnId)) return false;
    if($database_name == '') $database_name = $this->dbName;
    $tb_names = $this->queryAllArray("SHOW TABLES FROM ??", $database_name);
    return $tb_names;

    I could blow this check, but I don't know the implications.
    However, it should be noted that on the master I only have one site and one web configured, no mail account.
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You should use the expert mode to install and then you can define the master server.
  5. Alessio calvio

    Alessio calvio New Member

    Looking at the code I solved it.
    From a previous installation I had created a dbispconfig database on the local mailserver (maybe I made a mistake on a previous installation) I dropped the dbispconfig created locally on the mailserver and now everything works.
    Thanks anyway, have a nice day.
    Th0m likes this.

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