Hi guys, since last weeks I have a problem with my postfix configuration. Some of my postboxes are defined as catchall, but thats make it really hard to separate the mails. What I need is something like X-Sender in the header to determine the sender. I have activated the X-Original-To in postfix, but in my case it seems very useless, postfix just placed the mailbox name there like [email protected]. After googeling a bit I added a regular expression file with Code: /(.+)/ PREPEND X-Sender: $1 and added the line in Postfix right after Code: smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/append_header.regexp, (...) in the main.cf file. That works very well for one address, but if I send it to multiple recipents I have tons of multiple entries in the mail head. Code: X-Sender: user@... X-Sender: user2@ ... So that is not really what I'm searching for, it breaks the Bcc and I think it's not good to have a lot of entries with the same description. In the last step I moved the entry to the smtpd_data_restrictions in main.cf. It work very well. But when I address more than one recipient, the X-Sender will not be added to the header... Have anyone some experience with that? I get a lot of mails from other users/provieder which have also that kind of header added. Is that probably not possible to add when I use postfix? And now i'm totally confused with the X-Delivered, X-Envelope.., X-Original stuff... Hope for help
X-Original-To rewritten by Amavis I've found a solution by myself, the problem was amavis, which rewrites the X-Original-To. When you are using dovecot and amavis, as in my case. so just add: Code: receive_override_options = no_address_mappings in main.cf. in master.cf add Code: ... inet n - n - - smtpd ... -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks and Code: ... dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DROhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${recipient} I have found a lot of questions in Mailing lists, but no has a answer on the special problem. PS: I've to admit, that this is not a rewrite, but adds the standard complaint header X-Original-To which is the same as X-Envelope in Exim.