Add new module on an existing ispconfig installation with many customers

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by themark, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. themark

    themark Member

    Hello there,

    I have created a module for ispconfig. On testing enviroment works pretty well. But when i'm going to put him on production
    i need to activate him for many customersm, otherways they didn't see him on the menu.
    So, there is a faster way to do it manually via system->cp users module of the ispconfig?
    Give sync problems create an sql query that enable the module for all the customers on one time?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I would do the activation by sql query. the sys_user table is not synced, so I wont expect problems. For a test, activate it for a single user by adding a where caluse for his user id, if this works, run it for the other users as well.
  3. themark

    themark Member

    Ok, accomplished in that way.


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