add-on agp configuration

Discussion in 'Kernel Questions' started by maxke, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. maxke

    maxke New Member

    i recently
    installed linux fedora core 4 on my machine as a dual
    boot with my win xp-i have no experience with linux
    this is my first time with linux-i encountered a
    problem-wen on xp my intel chiped(845 series) i845g
    AMI motherboard has an onboard vga but still has an
    addon slot for agp-wen installing addon i had to first
    diable the onboard(bios) then uninstall driver befor
    installing addon other wise comp would go blank during
    boot-following this procedure would solve. on linux i
    hav no idea what to do since board docs were designed
    for windows-linux does not boot all the way-gives many
    numbers-dont understand but insatlled fine-with
    onboard vga, linux boot is fine all the way
    can you help me know how to solve on linux? the
    onboard vga is pathetic 8mb-i have nvidia geforce4 mx440 8x agp
    thank you
  2. domino

    domino New Member

    Tis been a long time since i toched fedora. but i think with *the* google help, you can find a way to install the driver either from the fedora repo or the fedora dvd.

    But first thing you need to do is go in the bios and enable AGP/PCI video card as your default video card. Assuming you mother board supports such bios setting. When you load windows, it should drop you in 16bit video mode and you can install the driver from there.

    In fedora, it is a little more tricky and you might need an extra computer to browse the internet next to your linux install. Linux doesn't have a "safe mode", so all it will do is let you stare at a black screen terminal. You'll need to go to your other computer and google a how to about installing the nvidia drive from command prompt. There should be plenty, unless anyone here knows the exact command and the correct repo where the drivers are stored.
  3. maxke

    maxke New Member

    thanks-but not yet

    thanks for the suggestion-i tried it but i dont seem to find a comandline installation howto for nvidia vga-plus what do i do when the screen is blank
  4. domino

    domino New Member


    Should get you to login screen and from there you can enter your root name and password. I can no longer help you further because I have an ATI video card and using Ubuntu.
  5. maxke

    maxke New Member


    found nvidia driver a .run file downloaded it to windows partition have copied installation commands on paper- any suggestions on how to proceed:confused: :confused:
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must put that file into your Fedora installation, maybe make it executable, and then run the commands you wrote down.

    If you downloaded the file from the internet, you can download it again, but this time to your Fedora installation and on the command line. The command is like this:
  7. maxke

    maxke New Member


    wen i hit <ctrl><alt><f1> all i get is a blank screen forever...i have to quit x server to install downloaded driver-wen i try "# init 3" same thing happens i get blank screen.....:(
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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