Adding dns in command line

Discussion in 'General' started by Reno, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Reno

    Reno New Member

    Hi there,

    Here is the think, I have two server, master and slave they are DNS server only.

    The mirroring ils well working, I can create records on the master with the gui and thèse records works well on the slave!

    But (there is always a but) for some reason, I need to create DNS records in command line...
    So, I manage to insert information needed in the ispconfig database, and to create or modify files needed by bind9 on the master (and it works) I was hoping the réplication on the slave, but nothing...
    If I modify the record created by CLI with the gui, I fan find then these record on the slave, but only the modification I just did with the Gui not the entire zone.

    So my question is, what ISP do when creating a DNS with the Gui that I miss in CLI to sync the master and the slave.

    Hope I m clear. Any help LL be appreciated.

    Best regards!

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you manipultaed records in the database directy insead of using the remote api, so your changes are no valid transactions and dont get transferred to the slave. If you use the remote api to insert your changes into ispconfig, then the cahnges get replicated to the slave automatically.
  3. Reno

    Reno New Member

    Oh...feel stupid rigth now... didn t even know this remote api fonctionnality...

    I sow there is documentation about how to do scripts. Can someone gimme some clue to write one to add, modify and remove a DNS zone?

    Thanks a lot.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Examples and docs are in the ISPConfig .tar.gz file.

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