Adding Global IP's to clustered setup with only 192.168.x Range

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tek, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. tek

    tek New Member

    I have followed the Debian 6 Cluster setup on two systems that have dual Nic's. Right now the eth0 nics are configured in the two systems and both are in the 192.168.1.x range. I have gone through and added the resellers and domains (using domain module) and need to map in our external IP's.

    Just wondering if there are any gotcha's I might see since I have added all the clients, domains and the websites are active but the IP's are set to * which should be ok at least initially. All of the sites are currenly live on another system but all our Global IP's are in use so I will be mapping them all over to a single IP and changing DNS on the fly as I get all the email migrated over..

    About to do DNS, Mail Accounts and all the databases.

    This is for about 33 domains and a couple hundred email accounts. I know there might be some hickup's but as long as the system will accept the new IP for the two systems without issue then it should be ok.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There should not be a problem with adding your other IP addresses, add them in the /etc/network/interfaces file for the correct nic. Dont use the ispconfig network configuration feature for this as it supports only one NIC yet.

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