Hello there, everyone! Debian 11 ISPC 3.2.11p2 I would like to add 8.2 and 8.3 to my server. I found this tutorial but it's for Ubuntu and I've messed things up in the past trying to use Ubu instructions in my Deb installs so I wanted to ask if I should follow the steps listed there for 8.2 and 8.3 or if there's something else I should do to get those versions installed in Deb 11? https://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig-php-ubuntu/
Please read the text of the tutorial, it contains the information you ask for in the first paragraph.
Thank you for your help. If I have everything up to 8.1 installed, should I skip ahead to adding 8.2 and .3 or do I still need to perform the steps adding the repo/key?
I see that you still have not read the tutorial's text, even after I pointed you to the first paragrap again. Here is the text that you should have read and followed, from the tutorial:
Actually, I have read that prior to responding. My question was should I follow the beginning steps of that if I already have 5.6-8.1 installed on my server or if I should move ahead in the tutorial to add only the versions I'm missing? I'll read it a third time if you would like me to but I'll still have this question. I just don't know if my server already has the repo/key necessary for adding these and if it does, if I would break the sources file by trying to add the repo again.
Ok, so you had read the text but missed mentioning that you are following the Debian tutorial now, as both tutorials add a repository and both tutorials add PHP versions, it was not obvious to me that you are taking about the Debian guide now. You do not have to add the sury repository if you added it already. But adding it again should not break anything.
I would the Debian guide for Debian servers rather than Ubuntu guide on it because they have some minor differences. Check: https://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig-php-debian/