I am using PHP Point of sale with my business, and I am looking for someone to help myself and the developer as well as the rest of the PHPPointofSale community add a receipt print function to the code. This has to work with receipts that are standard POS receipts, and are 70mm wide. The print function is there, but it prints a full 8.5 x 11 page. I am offering $80 for this function, and the developer is offering $200. So $280 total. In fact, there are several projects open at http://forums.phppointofsale.com/viewforum.php?f=12 The particular project that I am most concerned about it: http://forums.phppointofsale.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=62 The developer of this project, is also looking for someone to integrate a payment gateway into the software. But that is least important to me. I will pay a total of $80 for someone to get receipts to print properly. I have a receipt printer to test with. So as long as the size is adjust to almost fit, I can take care of the rest probably. Thanks!