Additional PHP version stopped working after backup

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by mattltm, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    I had an additional PHP version (5.6.0) installed and activated for one of my clients. Yesterday I had to restore a server from a backup (only a few minutes old) and now the additional PHP is not working.

    When I edit the clients site, I only have an option for "Default" in the PHP version. I have checked that it is still on the server (which it is) and that it is still configured for the client. I have also just added PHP 5.6.18 to see if I can get them back up and running but again, it does not apear as an option in their site configuration.

    Where can I start to look to debug this?
  2. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you restore the db from ispconfig, too?
  3. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    Yes, it was a complete disk image backup.
  4. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you can`t see the additional php-version in the client webs: can you see the version under system / additional php? If not: add the additional php-version.
  5. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    Yes, i've verified that it's available on the server and it's configured correctly under Additional PHP versions. Everything is as it was before the reimage but it's not showing as available in the clients web config.

    No real rush to resolve it as I've now moved the client over to another server to get them back online but it would be nice to work out what's gone wrong.

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you try to select no client in that php version? Maybe you have 2 similar named clients and the wrong one is selected?

    You might also want to try to run a repair and optimize on the dbispconfig database with phpmyadmin. Maybe a table is corrupted or crashed.
    mattltm likes this.
  7. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    Ok, now were moving!

    I have no clients with the same name but, if I leave the client box empty then it becomes available. If I select the client again, then it is not available. I have checked using the customer number too.

    How odd!
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check the cp users list, if the login user of the client that you can't find in the clients list still exists there.
  9. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    I can find the client. Here's what's happening...

    In Additional PHP versions. If I leave the client name blank, then the PHP version is avaliable for all clients to use. That works.
    If I select a client (lets say C10) and then I go to sites and edit C10 the PHP version is not available. It's also not available for any other clients which is expected but it should be available for client C10.

    It's not a real issue as I can make it available to all with no problem but it is odd how it was working fine then just stopped after implementing a backup image. Here's what I did.
    Created a back up disk image of the VPS
    Attempted an upgrade to debian 8
    Upgrade failed so re-imaged the VPS with my backup
    Everything worked fine apart from this PHP version issue

    Very odd behaviour and probably something i've done!
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Does this apply to this one client only or to other clients as well, e.g. if you assign that PHP to a totally different client, does it show up as option for his websites then?
    mattltm likes this.
  11. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    Just checked. It works fine if I assign it to another client (say C4) but does not work if assigned to the client that actually needs it!
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hmm ok, so there must be something broken either in client table or sys_group table for this client. The relation should be:

    sys_group.client_id => client.client_id
    mattltm likes this.
  13. mattltm

    mattltm Member

    Checked the DB. The above entries are fine.

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