Can i use the access map function with ISP Config & Postfix like described on this page: in short: create access map file rebuild the database or can i configuire the same in ispconfig? I do not found such a configuration in ispconfig. Thanks.
Cleaning mailq of unwanted entries My approch on an old Postfix server was to write 2x scripts, one were I have information on the top line of mailq line and the second to look for info anyware in the mailq Code for /root/mail-clean called like this /root/mail-clean rejected: will look for rejected: in the queue and find the id and then delete the queue item. Code: #!/bin/bash IFS= mailq | ( HIT=0 HITSTR=$1 while read line do if [ -z "$line" ] then #should be at end of current messAge #echo "line is empty" if [ "$HIT" = "1" ] then HIT=0 echo Deleting $NUMBER /usr/sbin/postsuper -d $NUMBER fi else #echo $line START=`echo $line | cut -c3-3` if [ "$START" = " " -o "$START" = "o" -o "$START" = "l" ] then #echo line starts with spaces if echo $line | grep $HITSTR then HIT=1 fi else NUMBER=`echo $line | cut -c1-11` #echo number is $NUMBER fi fi done ) The other script /root/mailclean-topline called this way /root/mailclean-topline MAILER-DAEMON will look at the mailq entries and as its on the same top line as the queue id, grab the id and delete the queue item. Code: #!/bin/bash for i in `mailq | grep $1 | cut -c1-11` do # find /var/spool/postfix -name $i -exec rm {} \; echo Deleting $i /usr/sbin/postsuper -d $i done Note: the character positions might change as the mailq application get changed. I then schedule an cron job to do this cleaning nightly for a list of known "queue stucked mails"