hi guys, can anyone explain how I add a x-header to incoming mails to indicate they have been scanned? I already noticed the kludge portion inside the trashscan file but I would like to (if possible) include some special x-header that also states the version of clamav/date of the virus signatures ... at the moment I have had severall viri inside my inbox and I doubt that they all got past clamav, I suppose somehow these mailswere not scanned so this header would also be an indicator if mails are correctly processed...
You could include a line like this: Code: ${FORMAIL} -I "X-Virus-Scanner: `/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/usr/bin/clamscan -V` on `date`" < ${MSGDIR}/rec.msg | ${PROCMAIL} But make sure to comment out this line: Code: ${FORMAIL} -I "$VKLUDGE Scanned by $TSCV running on $HOSTNAME" < ${MSGDIR}/rec.msg | ${PROCMAIL}
do you mean there should be a line present inside each mail saying it was scanned by TSCV running on $HOSTNAME ? I don't see this in any email... seems the mails are not scanned..
ok, seems the problem is solved: the virus I was hit by was a mytob variant. it seems like the signatures are not yet included in clamav. while searching in their database I found the mytob signatures were included in the daily.cvd while signatures for older viruses were included in main.cvd file ... I do not know what this means exactly I did a freshclam but I already had the latest definition files, I thought about restarting clamav or clamd and there was no such process running, is that right? does the process get started when an email is scanned or is there something wrong with my install?
Emails are scanned by clamscan, this is no daemon that's running all the time. clamscan is called whenever an email arrives. There's nothing wrong with your install.
now I have one more question towards spamassassin. other solutions beside ispconfig seemed to be using spamc or spamd running as daemon. ispconfig doesn't. I want to use a plugin for a wordpress installation. its details can be found here: http://www.ioerror.us/software/wp-spamassassin/ this plugin uses spamassassin to filter comments in the blog. it seems to expect spamassassin running as daemon. here is a config file excerpt: how can I get spamassassin running as daemon, where do I find its socket fiel and will it interfere with ispconfig??? any ideas?
does anyone know hot to change the subject of mails filtered as virus to reflect the name of the virus in the subject? like the ***SPAM*** with spammails that gets prepended to spam messages? so that my virus filtered mails would look like: *VIRUS:MYTOB* regular subject or something similar