Advice on migrate from centos-7 to debian/ubuntu

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by RubenG, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. RubenG

    RubenG New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi all
    I want to update/replace a ispconfig install built with 3 servers, two are CENTOS-7 and one ROCKY-8
    I'm seen some experiences to install from scratch with Rocky-9. But I can't find info about to update/migrate a mix install.
    The first server (centos-7) was the first one of the install, and have the main sql databases, ispconfig panel, primary DNS and so on. There are not mail server on this. I believe this acts as the "main" server.
    The second CENTOS-7) one runs mainly as mail server with postfix and as seconday DNS with some light and not important web sites (webmail frontend and so on)
    The third one (ROCKY-8) only run some web sites and their related mariadb services.
    Any opinion / advice about how to update or migrate this install ?
    As all guides and support appears to be better with debian... It's posible to mix centos / rocky servers with a new debian / ubuntu install?

    note: I know about the migration utility, but I'm not shure if this utility could made this (from centos to debian / ubuntu, mix install etc)

  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Migration tool can migrate your current setup to three Debian 12 servers. It does not have to be same number of servers, you could migrate to single server setup or some other number of servers.
    What kind of update would it be? You can not update CentOS to Debian.
    If you migrate to Debian 12 now, there may be upgrade guide for Debian 13, like there has been for 10->11 and 11->12.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just follow this guide, it covers single and multiserver installations:

    All you do is to run the Migration Tool on each system, let the tool connect to the new master server. The Migration Tool will ask you then to which server of the new multiserver setup the data shall be migrated.

    It should be possible, but we have not tested Rocky Linux with ISPConfig.
  4. RubenG

    RubenG New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks for your response.
    When I say about having mix multiserver config, is mainly about the migration scenary. This it, convert/migrate the master server to a debian, and lefting the other ones with centos / rocky until I could migrate them (some days the first one, and may be 1 year for the third server. And in the interim I could add or configure new services. This server group has been running for years without any remarkable problem.

    Step 1
    Migrate my master server (CENTOS-7) to a new debian server
    Shutdown the old master server and place the new debian master server in place of the old one (same IPs, same name etc)
    Testing all web and services (this could take a few days)

    Step 2
    Migrate the first secondary / slave server (CENTOS-7) to a new debian server.
    This could be the most critical, because have the email services on it.
    Shutdown this secondary server and place the new seconday (Debian) in place , same name, same IPs etc

    Step 3.
    Left the Rocky 8 server as is if it's posible (have some complicated deployments, whit )

    I have to learn about how the migration tool does to move the different PHP versions assigned to each website, and how to move that from centos PHP to debian PHP.
    Anyway, I will order the migration tool and made some testing. Thanks for your help
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2024
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    My understanding is you can not migrate one host from the cluster to new setup. You must migrate the complete cluster to the new setup.
    Migration toolkit does have another tool, copy, which can copy one server to a new server, but that requires that new server has exact same OS and OS version.
    That is a good plan. Migration tool is not very hard to use, but a little bit of practice does help.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The Migration Tool can migrate a single node to a new setup. What it can not do is to migrate data between nodes that are connected to the same master. But if the new system is a new standalone system or new multiserver setup, then that's fine.

    But you are correct that what the thread starter tries to do can not work. He must set up a new master, add one or more slave nodes to it, and then migrate the old multiserver setup to the new multiserver setup. ISPCopy can not be used to migrate from CentOS to Debian, that's why he must use the Migration Tool here, and that requires it to create a new multiserver setup with new master.
    Taleman likes this.
  7. JOP

    JOP Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Good post, to clearify what Migration Tool can do.
    The following szenarios are possible?
    a) x CentOS v7.x standalone to x Debian 12 new standalone
    b) x CentOS v7.x standalone to Debian 12 new multiserver
    c) x CentOS v7.x multiserver to x Debian 12 new standalone
    d) x CentOS v7.x multiserver to x Debian 12 new multiserver
    or any other Linux server wiht ispconfig installed.

    Second; access is granted with root account and password or with certificate?
    Third; when migration with Migration Tool fails, what about availability of existing setup/servers? Still running or down?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That#s all possible with the Migration Tool.

    The tool copies over an SSH key from the old to the new system using the ssh-copy-id command. The command will ask for the root password if it cannot copy the key without a password.

    Existing servers are unaffected by the migration and will continue to run; there is no downtime on the existing system.
    JOP likes this.
  9. JOP

    JOP Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What about IP-addresses and host names? What ip address and host name do the new server have?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's up to you. You can use new hostnames or reuse the old ones. The tool will ask you if it should replace IP addresses or if you want to keep the existing ones.
    JOP likes this.
  11. JOP

    JOP Member HowtoForge Supporter

    perfect, and if I keep the old ones (ip and name), does the old server (automatically) shutdown after migration? I don't want two servers with same ip and name in my network.
  12. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    No. Like @till wrote in #8, "Existing servers are unaffected by the migration and will continue to run;"
    Same IP indeed does not work. Old and new system both must be running when migrating, so they must have different IP-addresses.
    After migration, you can shut down the old system and change IP-numbers on the new system.
    JOP and till like this.
  13. RubenG

    RubenG New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi all.
    Thanks for your help and clarifications.
    We are working just now in the new hardware, so probably in the next days I will try the whole migration.
    JOP likes this.

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