After migration one site doesn't install Letsencrypt cert

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tlove, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Everything appears good after migrating ISPCONFIG 3.2 instance to different hardware and with Ubuntu 22.04.
    Before the migration, I installed certbot to the target server to enable certs to be copied from source server.
    All went smoothly (great migration software!) and everything works well except one domain refuses to install Letsencrypt cert (all rest appear fine) and new domains don't install certs either
    The particular site files were corrupted in a server crash a couple of years ago. After this migration the folder for that site (webXX) came up as owned by webxx:client instead of root:root. This has now been corrected.
    I've checked the letsencrypt logs and the apache2 sites-available redirect files and all look ok. The DNS is ok - sites can be pinged. I've also checked through the threads on others having problems with Letsencrypt certs and found nothing that obviously applies in this situation.
    I'm wondering if there is anything obvious that I've done incorrectly before I do the whole debug?
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you. That was useful and helped in chasing out all problems - except one that I hadn't realised earlier - the website for the new server host itself is inaccessible.
    That is, I can access but not I get message of 'can't connect to server'. It's DNS tests fine in AWS Route53.
    This new website is a clone of the earlier (pre-migration) website domain The latter website migrated correctly and loads as normal.
    I've tried the usual of carefully comparing all of the settings between the two sites and their details on ISPConfig. The only difference I can find is the difference in hostname.
    Any thoughts?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's not an issue in ISPConfig, as you can connect to the server even if something is configured wrong in ISPconfig. The error message you get can only happen when the IPv4 or IPv6 record of this domain points to a wrong system or if the IP it points to is not routed to your server or if you block http or https port in a firewall. It can happen too if no web server is started, but according to your comment, I assume other sites are working, so the http server must be started).

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