Hello, In this topic: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/remove-alias-record.84609/ I read PowerDNS support alias records. But reading the source code to learn how to install and configure it for ISPConfig, I read the following: "- This plugin does not support ALIAS records (supported only by MyDNS)." I know MyDNS is not supported anymore. So is this comment still right for alias records with PowerDNS? I supose not, else alias records would not be proposed anymore but I prefer asking. I think about switching to PowerDNS to be able to use alias records so I would like to be sure I will have the desired result
Not that I don't want alias record feature but I think cname would suffice in most cases as they work ultimately the same and we already have that in ISPConfig DNS server with Bind 9.
From the top of my head, this is not correct and PowerDNS supports ALIAS records. Where exactly did you read this? Also, MyDNS isn't supported anymore.
I read it in the source code: server/plugins-available/powerdns_plugin.inc.php Line 74, after database instructions. CNAME don't allow to have another record using the same name and I would like to have a txt record for the same name.