Alias to many accounts - impossible?

Discussion in 'General' started by jbravo, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. jbravo

    jbravo Member


    I've just read this forum thread and found answer to my problem (mail alias to multiple account).
    What is the preferred way to manage this on ISPConfig server? Just add id manually below "MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE" statement in virtusertable file? For exmaple:
    [email protected] web1_user1, web1_user2

    Further investigation: above solution will probably break my user@domain process as virtusertable is not recognized properly when multpile user account are assigned for email address.
    /etc/aliases is alos not a good solution (there can be only one named alias for all domains hosted).
    I looked for solution and i think i found it - create such account via ISPConfig interface and insert forwarders just like accounts aliased. I'll try and update.

    GreetZ .:JbRavo:.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2007
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The ISPConfig email settings have a alias field for every. If you want to add a alias for a email address, just add it there.

    But waht you want is a forwarder and not a alias, forwarders are added in the forward field which is available in the email user settings too.
  3. jbravo

    jbravo Member

    Thanks, i've already figured it out (post update above).

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