I trying to redirect an aliasdomain to subfolder of an existing domain (site) but I have two problems. Example Main domain: domain1.tld Alias domain: domain2.tld Root of domain1.tld is [path_of_main_site]/web/ Root of domain2.tld is [path_of_main_site]/web/subfolder/ Alias domain website uses resources (images and DB) of the main website. Browsing http://domain1.tld is ok Browsing http://domain1.tld/subfolder/ is ok First problem Browsing http://domain2.tld you are redirected to http://domain2.tld/subfolder/ Is it possible to hide "subfolder/" from URL? Second problem (I solved this problem with a symlink; so please ignore it if doesn't exist a better way) The site of domain2.tld uses images located in [path_of_main_site]/web/images/ with href like ../images/portfolio/image1.jpg and the images are not shown. Is there a way to refer to the images folder? Thanks.
One option would be to use a vhost aliasdomain, but that's available in ISPConfig 3.1 only. Another option which works with ISPConfig 3.0.5 is to set a custom reqrite rule in the .htaccess file of the website like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10457207/redirect-to-another-domain-but-keep-the-url Using a symlink is a good option here in my opinion.