I keep getting these emails: Return-Path: <> X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.1 (2007-05-02) on maxweisel.com X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=ham version=3.2.1 X-Original-To: [email protected] Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from rwcrmhc13.comcast.net (rwcrmhc13.comcast.net []) by maxweisel.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7BB7A18A815E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 27 Jul 2007 01:29:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from rwcrmhc13.comcast.net (localhost[]) by comcast.net (rwcrmhc13) with ESMTP id <20070727082901m13005lftfe>; Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:29:01 +0000 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <[email protected]> Subject: Returned mail: delivery problems encountered Message-Id: <[email protected]> Date: 27 Jul 2007 8:13:58 +0000 To: <[email protected]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; boundary="_46a9a946.69ed.0+comcast.net=_" X-Virus-Status: No X-Virus-Checker-Version: clamassassin 1.2.4 with clamscan / ClamAV 0.91.1/3779/Thu Jul 26 12:33:22 2007 --_46a9a946.69ed.0+comcast.net=_ Content-Type: text/plain A message (from <[email protected]>) was received at 25 Jul 2007 2:41:34 +0000. The following addresses had delivery problems: [email protected] Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time expired Delivery last attempted at 25 Jul 2007 2:41:34 +0000 --_46a9a946.69ed.0+comcast.net=_ Content-Type: message/delivery-status Reporting-MTA: dns; comcast.net Arrival-Date: 25 Jul 2007 2:41:34 +0000 Final-Recipient: rfc822; [email protected] Action: failed Status: 4.4.7 Unable to contact host for 2 days, Diagnostic-Code: smtp; Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time expired Last-Attempt-Date: 25 Jul 2007 2:41:34 +0000 --_46a9a946.69ed.0+comcast.net=_ Content-Type: message/rfc822 Received: from maxweisel.com ([]) by comcast.net (rwcrmhc13) with ESMTP id <20070725024134m13006qqr0e>; Wed, 25 Jul 2007 02:41:34 +0000 Received: from maxweisel.com (maxweisel.com []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by maxweisel.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9A5DB18A816B for <[email protected]>; Tue, 24 Jul 2007 19:41:33 -0700 (MST) Received: (from web1_max@localhost) by maxweisel.com (8.13.8/8.13.8/Submit) id l6P2fXA1003887 for [email protected]ldomain; Tue, 24 Jul 2007 19:41:33 -0700 Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 19:41:33 -0700 From: Max Weisel <[email protected]> Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Loop: [email protected]ldomain Subject: Mailsize: web1_max To: undisclosed-recipients:; 955 --_46a9a946.69ed.0+comcast.net=_-- And I am getting these from comcast because I have comcasts smtp server set as my relayhost. So basically the problem is my server doesn't see localhost.localdomain as my server. Max
I'm not sure why it says localhost.localdomain.com (should be localhost.localdomain instead), but you can add localhost.localdomain.com to the end of /etc/postfix/local-host-names and restart Postfix.
I think when comcast gets the email to localhost.localdomain it adds .com to it because it probably thinks the user forgot to add .com or .net or whatevere it was. One thing that I know is my server doesn't see itself as being localhost.localdomain even though in my /etc/hosts files localhost.localdomain points to localhost Max
I figured out exactly whats wrong now how do I fix it? I think I know what the problem is. When I installed Centos 5 by using the perfect set-up guide. I set-up MailDIR's then not liking how it was running later on I removed the two lines from postfix's main.cf and unchecked the maildir option in ispconfig. After that I got this same error message for all previously created mail users. How I solved it was to edit each mail user and then save it in ispconfig and ispconfig fixed everything. I guess admispconfig is still set for using maildir's how do I fix it.
There'S nothing you must fix. admispconfig always uses Maildir, regardless of what other users use. Please try what I suggested above.
I am trying your solution now. I only get these emails late at night so tomorrow morning I will have a look. I switched all of my email accounts over to Maildir. I have some old /var/spool/mail files from a previous server and would like to know how I can convert them from mbox to maildir. Max I still can't figure out mb2md
I added localhost.localdomain.com to that list and I still get those undeliverable emails every morning. Any other Ideas?? Max
I think ISPConfig removed localhost.localdomain.com before all of the undeliverable emails were sent out because I just checked the localhost names file for postfix and it wasn't there. Max
Also All of the undeliverable messages are coming from comcast. So I think my server relays all of the email statistics messages to comcast. Comcast then tries to deliver them then sends them back to me. So I think each set of undeliverable messages are two days old because comcast says it tried to deliver these messages for two days before it sent them back. Max
and when my server sends out these emails to comcast it sends them as localhost.localdomain. Comcast is adding the .com Max
Did you add localhost.localdomain.com at the end of /etc/postfix/local-host-names (below the line #### MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! ####)?