I'm having an issue with incoming mail. It isn't going to the user's mailbox. I think mail destined for a domain is to go to /var/www/<website>/mail or maildir? Instead I see it all in /root/maildir/new I had followed the perfect server setup for centos 5.2. I started with 2.2.28 then upgraded to 2.2.29 last month. I've only used it for website hosting, just starting to use it for email also Do I have a configuration error somewhere? Where do I start to troubleshoot?
Please remove the unneeded aliases from the /etc/aliases file and then rebuild the database with the command newaliases.
I didn't see any entries that looked unneeded. I'm not sure what's needed and what's not though. Ran newaliases anyway: Code: /etc/aliases: 76 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 765 bytes total Would you like me to post the aliases file? I see in the settings tab for email /etc/postfix/virtusertable When I look at that file I see entries such as: Code: [email][email protected][/email] web13_info [email][email protected][/email] web13_info I was trying to make [email protected] Is there supposed to be the www before the domain name? When I created the new site I left the www in the Hostname field then typed the domain name below it. Even if I send email to [email protected] it doesn't go into the correct mailbox. Also, I'm not using ISPConfig for dns, I have an mx record setup under the domain providers dns that points to my ISPConfig box. I can confirm that mail is being delivered to it as it all appears in /root/maildir Is there something else I should check? Much Thanks in advance.