Analyse a log file on redhat

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ahmedbj, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. ahmedbj

    ahmedbj New Member

    i'm under redhat and i need to know how i can read a log file and analyse it
    does anyone have a document that explain how to analyse log file as /var/log/messages or any other log file
    Thank you for your time
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can take a look at log files with tools such as vi, cat, or tail, or you copy the log file to your work station (e.g. with WinSCP) and open it there in your favourite text editor.
  3. ahmedbj

    ahmedbj New Member

    thank you
    but i do want to know the meaning of each word because i just read the lines and don't understand what's the problem, i need to know the meaning of every key word of the file

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