Anonymous TLS connection

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by asus, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. asus

    asus New Member

    Well I checked my logwatch today and noticed this

    **Unmatched Entries**
            1   Jul 15 20:30:42  postfix/smtpd[9569]: Anonymous TLS connection established
    from unknown[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
     ---------------------- Postfix End ------------------------- 
    I run a couple scans like whois network-lookup and even ntop and I get host doesn't exists but when I run a traceroute it hops about 10 times then dies. And a bunch of the host names are from dalllas.( by the look at there ips i guess they are top level domain so they must be a ISP or university. Can anyone reflect on this and give me some info on how to stop it.
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    For example, to stop it, you can block that IP-address with the command:
    route add -host <IP-address> reject

    To undo it again, please execute:
    route del -host <IP-address> reject

    Where <IP-address> is the IP-address you want to block.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  3. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    Hans, would it be possible to use fail2ban to match and block these kinds of connections?
  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I am not sure if that's possible. Maybe others can give us some advice how to handle this kind of problems.
  5. asus

    asus New Member

    Thank You for the reply. new command added to my list =)
  6. asus

    asus New Member

    I forgot about fail2ban. I have denyhost setup and that only covers ssh. I think fail2ban protects ssh, apache, proftpd, courierpop3, courierimap, sasl and a few others. There is some great tutorials on here for fail2ban and denyhost. I will definitely install it again.
  7. asus

    asus New Member

    Well it seems they are really trying to hack me... this ip is routed to the same place as the last...
    **Unmatched Entries**1   Jul 17 01:36:39 postfix/smtpd[21023]: Anonymous TLS connection established
    from[]: TLSv1 with cipher ADH-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
    but this time the system was able to run reserve lookup and I got the hostname which I have seen before.. I think on here.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  8. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    Darm, what is all the hoobaloo ? No one is trying to "hack" you that is the howtoforge server trying to deliver mail to you.
  9. asus

    asus New Member

    well the same ips are trying to get into my ssh and radio server and why did it never come up before ??
  10. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    if they are sshing in then thats another story but what you have shown us here so far is just mail being delivered over a TLS connection.
  11. asus

    asus New Member

    I agree thanks for the help.One more thing, Why does it come up as a unmatched entry and anonymous tls connection ?

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