before to present my problem, i looking and read a lot of entries about FTP problem but i won fix. i have perfect server ubuntu 18.04+apache running for seveal years. no problems. its a rock. but ftp always was a hard bone. i only has access same times with FTP (unsecure). other times with sftp (ssh acces using ssh login date, but usally i hasnt acces to the specific "web" folder (error " Directory /var/www/clients/client3/web14/web: permission denied" ), curiously i have full access to complete structure ! if i tried with ftp tls, i receive : Estado: Conectando a Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida... Estado: Inicializando TLS... Estado: Conexión TLS establecida. Estado: Registrado en Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio... Comando: PWD Respuesta: 257 "/" is your current location Comando: TYPE I Respuesta: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Comando: PASV Respuesta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,8,71,185) Comando: MLSD Error: La conexión superó el tiempo de espera después de 20 segundos de inactividad Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio and repeat like a loop i tried access locally (using internal ip) o external (using domain) ports are open in server firewall and ISP router i use FIlezilla tx a lot!
tx to any body, i fix passive mode with these intruction Tx again
You do have created a shell user and linked it to the site you want to access? Loging in with a ftp user using ftps won't work as sftp uses ssh.