any bIlling software that is compatibile with ISPconfig

Discussion in 'General' started by alexnz, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. alexnz

    alexnz New Member

    Falko , Till,

    Ive been a member for a year, and integrating billing software with ISPconfig has been a nightmare, firstly i cannot find good products (whois cart isnt very good) that is compatible at all with SOAP calls that is used in creating/editing accounts etc....-

    can you recommend other billing solutions like whoiscart that can be used in ispconfig? im having trouble finding them

    also..... Is it possible you could help develop some sort of billing software to tie in with ISPCONFIG

    OR could one of you work with other billing developers, so there can be more mainstream billing software avialable to use ISPconfig?

    i feel this is desperatly needed to have ISPconfig tied in with a mainstream billing provider software - all it would need is a little effort and it can be done

    is a fantastic billing software - alot of startup hosting companies use it, would it be possible you could get incontact with these guys and help develop AWBS functionailty for ISPconfig?



    develop the SOAP software integration for ISPconfig?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If someone contacts us and needs technical information om how to integrate a billing system in ISPConfig, we will support this effort.

    ISPConfig is a OpenSource project, we will not start to pay other companies to integrate ISPconfig in their billing software.

    I guess the best way would be if you contact your favorite billing software manufacturer and demand ISPConfig support from them.

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