It may have been a few years back but am subscriber had a neat system to create a new customer and all related pieces instead of having to create seach service individually. Can not find it in my history of favorites and don't remember what it was called. but I have a need for something like to that autorcreate a customer and all related domain stuff. Anybody remember or if your using such a thing point me to a link? Thanks
I believe it was called a "wizard" of which a quick search finds
Helmo forked the wizard module and he is also currently maintaining it: I didn't try this module yet, but judging the recent commits I think your chances are higher that this fork will work with current ISPConfig 3.2
I uploaded the forked app and it does work under 3.2, after fixing a few more columns that were missing. I loaded up phpmyadmin and added a few more missing columns like relay_proxy,relay_host, and relay_user as needed when I ran into issues. Going forward it will probably be the same, having to add columns as new ones are added into ISPConfig. A pain but it does save time to quickly add a new user/website/mail quickly. Thanks!