Hello, I have a problem with Apache, i don't know why but evry day he'll be down... When i try to access to my website i have an error such : 400 acces denied You haven't the permission to access / Thank you for helping me =D I'm ready to give you more informations, you have to tell me what for information ;-)
obviously apache is not down if you are getting the 400 error message so what is in your apache logs?
Apache logs are usually in /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/httpd. There might also be a log directory above your website's document root.
Hi ! I can't connect to SSH (an other problem, i just need to change my IP) So, i think that i found the problem : My friend. He said to me that he use my server to spam. so he certainly sent a lot of mails (5 000) per hour every day (i don't know if more or less) Now, i need how to limit the number of mail sent every secondes or minutes or hours, I use LAMP and Postfix and Davecot. (i suppose that he has use PHP mail) Thank ;-) EDIT : I disabled mail server momently
Now, i need how to limit the number of mail sent every secondes or minutes or hours, I use LAMP and Postfix and Davecot. (i suppose that he has use PHP mail)
Probably your best bet to limit the amount mail per timeframe is a firewall/iptables rule: Code: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport <mail port #> -d <ip address to limit> -m limit --limit 2/min --burst 3 -j ACCEPT iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport <mail port #> -s <ip address to limit> -m limit --limit 2/min --burst 3 -j ACCEPT This allows 2 connections a minute on the mail port specified (maximum/burst of 3 connections a minute) coming from (INPUT) or going to (OUTPUT) the IP address. As far as I know there is no settings in Postfix or Courier for this.
Hi all ! Hum after all i have always the same problem I flowed this tuto : howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-squeeze-with-bind-and-courier-ispconfig-3 I am really starting to demotivate and demoralize me