Apache directive placeholders?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Kira, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Kira

    Kira Member


    for mod_wsgi I need to create a daemon process, that can easily be done via:

    WSGIDaemonProcess <name> [options...]
    in the Apache Directive settings for the virtual host in ISPConfig.

    My problem is, when enabling SSL that line gets put into both VirtualHosts, the one with SSL and the one without.. leading to an issue of naming conflicts since both DaemonProcesses of course have the same name.

    So far my solution always has been, to put the line somewhere into the Apache config by hand, without ISPConfig. That kinda isn't a very good option in my opinion tho..

    Therefore I was wondering, is it either possible to place that line somewhere outside of the VirtualHost within the ISPConfig web-interface? Preferably within the context of the domains..?

    Or if that's not possible, I'd be also fine with creating a WSGIDaemonProcess for each VirtualHost (SSL / NonSSL), but to make this work I'd need to make the name somewhat unique for both. So I was wondering, is there some placeholder per VirtualHost can add to the name?

    for example:

    WSGIDaemonProcess myDaemonName${VHOSTNAME} ...
    Or any other ideas how to solve this issue?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can do this in vhost.conf.master file by using the if statements of the templating system:

    <tmpl_if name='ssl_enabled'>
  3. Kira

    Kira Member


    sorry about my late response.. I went with a workaround since I needed a quick fix and then forgot to worry about it.

    Can you explain this a bit more? I am not too sure how editing the vhost.conf.master file solves my problem :/


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