Apache DocumentRoot and user's home directory different?

Discussion in 'General' started by jameso, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. jameso

    jameso New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I am quite new to ISPConfig, and have a question.

    I created added a new site via ISPConfig. I then created a ftp/email user for this domain, and then log in via FTP.

    The FTP login puts me into:

    Whereas, in /etc/apache2/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, under the VirtualHost for this domain, it has:

    DocumentRoot /var/www/web3/web

    Can anyone explain why the web3_dba user's home directory is different to Apache's documentRoot for this domain?

    I would have thought they should be the same?

    Thanks very much!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Plese enable the "Administrator" checkbox in the settings of the user web3_dba.
  3. jameso

    jameso New Member

    Thank you very much!

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