Apache does not display my client's website instead shows only the default Apache "Its Works"

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Luis Urbina, Jan 25, 2015.


Which Linux distribution is better to install ISPConfig 3: Fedora, Centos Ubuntu or Debian.?

  1. Fedora

    0 vote(s)
  2. Centos

    0 vote(s)
  3. Ubuntu

  4. Debian

  1. Luis Urbina

    Luis Urbina New Member

    Hi guys
    I installed ISPconfig on a VPS with Debian 7 X64, install it without any problem, then check the Apache and PHP snippets, proceeded to create my site, but I first created myself as a customer. On my website I downloaded Wordpress and when I go to do the installation did not load the installation, The web server software is running but the message still appears default Apache "It works !, This is the default web page for this server. no content has-been added, yet. ".

    I installed ISPconfig on a VPS with Debian 7 X64, install it without any problem, then check the Apache and PHP snippets, proceeded to create my site, but I first created myself as a customer. On my website I downloaded Wordpress and when I go to do the installation did not load the installation, The web server software is running but the message still appears default Apache "It works !, This is the default web page for this server. no content has-been added, yet. "

    Previously had in my Ubuntu 14.10 LTS server and had had no problems but when I tried to install moodle, I switch to Debian 7 For what I read on the net is that Debian is safer than other distros. I can ride Fedora, Centos Ubuntu or Debian, I have learned to work in the last two hitting my head, lol. The truth is I want to install on my VPS Wordpress or Drupal and Moodle, which recommend me. I do not take them longer. Thank You.

    Domain: luisurbina.net

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    a common reason for your problem is a wrong server hostname. the server hostname may not be the same domain that you use for a website on an apache server. e.g. if your website is example.com, then the hostname of the server may not be example.com, it has to be a subdomain like server1.example.com as apache would redirect all traffic to its default website otherwise.
  3. Luis Urbina

    Luis Urbina New Member

    Hi Till,
    As you say, I reinstalled the server again, place the ISPConfig on my website subdomain (server1.example.com) pointing to the primary domain ( example.com ) and everything is working fine!!, Thanks buddy!.

    Take advantage of installing wordpress from packages APS and it worked fine too, on another installation before the installed package not worked and I had to download wordpress to install it, and that generated me the error of the previous post, it was with Ubuntu , now installed with Debian because it is safer .
    Then I'll try to install moodle in another subdomain , I am creating my subdomains in DNS Zone File GoDaddy and my DNS in ISPConfig , does that right? orshould I just hacelo on Go Daddy is where my domain registered ?.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The dns subdomain has to be created only on the authoritive dns server. Thats most lukely the godaddy server (if you havent delegated dns to your ispconfig server), so it should be enough that you add it at godaddy.

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