httpd: Syntax error on line 148 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf: module auth_basic_module is built-in and can't be loaded our apache server has gone down and won't restart. and we are getting this error. anybody know how to fix it
147 148 #LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/ 149 #LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/ 150 #LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ #LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/ #LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/ #LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/ #LoadModule authn_default_module modules/ #LoadModule authz_host_module modules/ #LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
strange , looks like you have already commented out those lines ... try starting apache with apachectl graceful also if you have an apache2.conf in your /usr/local/apache/conf/ dir rename the httpd.conf to something else and see if it's starting mv httpd.conf httpd.conf.tmp