I've changed IP's for a site - waited 24 hrs for it to propagate and get apache "It Works" page and not the site. I can access the site with the new IP. I've checked the vhost file and it looks good with the new IP. I've checked /var/www/ where apache index.html is (It Works) and the symlink for the site is there. Restarted apache - rebooted the server but didn't make any difference. Would appreciate any help so I don't have do the site over. Thanks Jim Kolb
Check the DNS record with intodns.com and check that the domain and www subdomain point to the new ip.
From intodns.com: Your www.domain.com A record is: www.domain.com [xxx.x.xx.229] (new dedicated IP - OK) nothing about domain.com IP I ran 3 other sites (that are working) with dedicated IP's on intodns.com, and the results were the same with the exception of the www.domain.com IP - nothing about domain.com IP. In the past, in ispconfig, I have changed shared IP sites to dedicated IP sites without any problems.
The intodns test is about general dns failures and not to perform the second check if the domain without www points to the right IP. Can you pin the domain with and without www and do both ping commands show the new IP? Have you selectde the new IP address instead of * in the IP settings of the website in ISPConfig?
Yes, the site IP setting is correct with the dedicated IP and not * Pinging the domain with and without the www results show 4 packets all successfully sent with the new dedicated IP in 101ms
Does the site has a symlink in the sites-enabled directory that points to the vhost file in sites-available?
Correction, there is also anoter site missing from the produced list but it is up and working fine. When I do a simple: ls /etc/apache2/sites-enabled The symlink is there.
I tried to create a new symlink in /var/www for the problem site, so I renamed the current symlink and created a new link which gave me a forbidden. I renamed the original symlink to its original site name and strangely everything is now working fine. Don't know what happened but I'm going to leave it like it is. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it!