Apache Logs to MySQL

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mosquito, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. Mosquito

    Mosquito New Member

    I have found a couple different ways to move apache logs to MySQL. I am thinking about doing this for a variety of reasons, but before I move ahead and do this I have a couple questions -

    1.) Would ISPConfig work without changes if Apache logs were moved to the database instead of the current log files?
    2.) I have a dedicated database server (quiet fast) and several of the tutorials I've looked at set up a failover in case the connection to the DB fails - this way apache doesn't die without the database. Other than worrying about the database not being available, are there other issues I should consider when deciding to move to a database to store these logs?
    3.) Has anyone done this, and if so what was your experience?
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    1.) I guess several things won't work anymore e.g. webalizer etc. and the stats stuff of ispconfig, cause it can not access the files anymore.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    I haven't tried this, but if you have a high-traffic web site, and each request will be logged to a MySQL database, then your server's load will increase dramatically.

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