Apache not displaying multiple sites.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Cracklefish, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Cracklefish

    Cracklefish Member

    This is a install on a virgin machine running Opensuse 11.1 using the latest Perfect Server script.

    With the first site installed its home page displays.

    When site 2 is installed it still shows site 1s home page.

    The contents of sites-available and sites-enabled look normal all the docroot, servername and directory statements are correct.

    On restarting Apache I get a "[warn] Default_VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence"
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that you access the sites by domain name and not by IP address and that these domain names are correctly registered in dns and point to the IP of your server.
  3. Cracklefish

    Cracklefish Member

    Yes I am using domain names. The DNS settings are all correct.

    I have just discovered that if I put a "NameVirtualHost *:80" statement in default-server.conf the error message goes away and I can then access site 1 and site 2. I cannot access the host server index page, that still returns site 1s home page. I haven't had time today to add any other sites.

    Using the server ip I would expect to see the host index page if ispconfig was not present.

    If that is correct behaviour than it is no big deal but how do I identify site 1. Is it by lowest ClientID, WebID, alphabetical URL name or what?.

    The main site is www.example.tld and the server is host.example.tld. There are (should be!) a dozen or so other hosted sites of lower priority (they don't pay much rent)

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