Apache reverse proxy pass settings

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Jiri Benes, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. Jiri Benes

    Jiri Benes Member

    Hello guys,
    I´m trying to setup a proxypass to my new web servers.
    I need to proxy this type of urls:
    https://mydomain.com/api-mp/../../../account.asmx if URL contains "api" proxypass it to some internal server if contains mt proxypass it to a different web server.
    /../ can change depends on what application or link i used
    Here is my current proxy pass config (just a proxy pass)

    <LocationMatch ^/api>
    ProxyPass http://internalserver
    ProxyPassReverse http://internalserver
    <LocationMatch ^/mt>
    ProxyPass http://internalserver
    ProxyPassReverse http://internalserver

    Thanks a lot!


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