Apache Rewrite Just Went Out

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by OpenSources, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    Hello, All.
    Just ran into my first issue that I can't resolve on my own in a while. Just yesterday I received the warning:
    Could not check apache modules, apachectl did not return any data.
    Now mod rewrite is not working. How can I repair this issue and what would cause something like this.

    All my sites are paralyzed.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Does restarting of apache work?
    Do you have any errors in the global apache error.log?
    Is mod_rwrite eneabled in the apache config (a2enmod rewrite)?
  3. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    Hey, Till. I checked logs and they had nothing concerning apache errors. The only lead I got was that Apache wasn't reading modules. I tried Apache restart and even server reboot. The error didn't go away.

    What was weird though is that only one website wasn't' affected. I don't fiddle with the server so however it happened was really random.

    Just to be sure I'm going to backup and reinstall. I missed something somewhere.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try to disable that one site by deleting the symlink in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    Then restart apache. Do all the other sites work again then? If yes, then this site must contain some custom code that blocks the other sites.
  5. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    Till this is the current. I tried to reinstall ispconfig on the web and the mail. is there any way to put them back in sync?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You mean that ISPConfig reads existing vhost config files or mail folders back into it's database? No, that's not possible. You should not have reinstalled the servers when they are in use, especially as an ispconfig install or reinstall does not enables or disables any Apache modules.
  7. OpenSources

    OpenSources Member

    LOL :/ I knew it.. I knew it.. I knew it... I got so frightened and pulled the trigger right after I posted. I just had no leads to solutions. Luckily I was able to recover from my mistake quickly. Thanks for reading my post.

    However, in a situation like that one where was, I suppose to look after:
    apache error log & ISPCONFIG System Logs?

    How could apachectl not be able to find modules or "return any data"?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    I'm not the developer of the apache2ctl command and I did not had that Issue yet, so I don't know. But the best guess is that you would have either found something about it in the logs or that the missing module had been disabled accidentally indeed so that re-enabling should have fixed it.

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