Apache - same subdomain on multiple domains

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by tahunasky, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. tahunasky

    tahunasky Member


    Is there a way in apache to have the same subdomain on multiple domains point to the same doc root without having to have a virtualhost directive for each domain.
    I am hosting multiple domains on the same server with the same subdomain names - mail.domain1.com & cloud.domain1.com, mail.domain2.com & cloud.domain2.com, mail.domain3.com & cloud.domain3.com etc and want all the mail subdomains to point to /opt/webmail/ and all the cloud subdomains to point to /opt/cloud/. I have tried the below but it doesnt work.

    <VirtualHost *:443> 
      Servername mail.domain1.com
      ServerAlias mail.* 
      DocumentRoot /opt/webmail 
    <VirtualHost *:443>
      Servername cloud.domain1.com 
      ServerAlias cloud.* 
      DocumentRoot /opt/cloud 
    I would like something that i dont have to touch again even if i add/remove domains - any ideas how i can do this ?

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2012
  2. TiTex

    TiTex Member

    <VirtualHost *:443> 
    Servername mail.domain1.com
    ServerAlias mail.domain2.com
    ServerAlias mail.domain3.com
    DocumentRoot /opt/webmail 
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    Servername cloud.domain1.com 
    ServerAlias cloud.domain2.com
    ServerAlias cloud.domain3.com  
    DocumentRoot /opt/cloud 
  3. tahunasky

    tahunasky Member

    Thanks for the reply, however this is basically what i have now, except i have:

    <VirtualHost *:443> 
      Servername mail.domain1.com
      ServerAlias mail.domain2.com mail.domain3.com
      DocumentRoot /opt/webmail 
    <VirtualHost *:443>
      Servername cloud.domain1.com 
      ServerAlias cloud.domain2.com cloud.domain3.com  
      DocumentRoot /opt/cloud 
    I dont want to have to add to the serveralias line everytime i add a new domain, or remove from serveralias everytime i delete a domain.

    I am trying to do something where i dont have to add/delete when i add or remove domains, just set it up once with wildcards or whatever and it works with all domains.
  4. TiTex

    TiTex Member

    i don't think that the wildcard works after the subdomain

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