Hi , I've got Debian serveur with a lot of domain and website. I use a panel, this is ISPCONFIG. Probleme is email sent from a website form's is sent from an invalid email address box . When I create new website from IspConfig, ServerAdmin in corresponding vhost file is not correct. It is look like [email protected], but this email address do not exist. This is a template. As return path from email sent is not a valid email, all email sent from a form website is considere as a spam. If I change manualy vhost file with a correct email address, about 5 minutes later, correct email address was delete automatically. I try to change ServerAdmin variable from : ispconfig.vhost or default But email sent from a website form's still sent from [email protected]. How can i set a fix email address to use for website form's ? Thank you. Mike
There are several options to change that, either you can configure the email address in the vhost.conf.master template in /usr/local/ispconfig/conf/. Save the cahnged template in /usr/local/ispconfig/conf-custom/ If you want to change it for a single website, then simply add the configuration line in the apache directives field of the website.