I can make it work only for main page... doesn't matter where I write: In /etc/apache2/httpd.conf I wrote this lines: CheckSpelling on CheckCaseOnly on It doesn't work for vhosts, only for main site... I tried to writte it in the vhost conf file... nothing... do you now what is happening? thanks
I have the same problem I'm using Fedora 17 and I activated de mod_speling and I'm using the 'CheckSpelling On' in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf But it doesn't work. Please reply if you make it.
ISPConfig does not use or configure mod_spelling, so it should work when you activate it in the global apache configuration file. Did you restart apache after you activated it and did you check the apache error.log for errors?
I was hoping that this ISPConfig3 doesn't interfere in the apache configurations, 'cause I'm not using this and I don't even know what is it. I'm worried just with the CheckSpelling in the apache, because I think that should be working. and yes, I restarted the apache, computer, and everything over and over =(
ISPConfig is a hosting control panel to manage apache vhosts and email accounts. Why did you install ispconfig then if you dont want to use it?
that's the point. I didn't install that. That was the question of the other guy, and I thought mine and his problem were the same. Just in apache. sorry for the trouble.
This thread were you appended your post is about the use of mod_spelling on a ispconfig server. If you dont have ispconfig installed, then you might want to make a post in the global linux forum instead: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=5