Hi all, I'm assisting a client with creating an affiliate website and was investigating mod_rewrite as the solution. The idea is that a person on the net could hit a url like the following; http://www.companysite.com/member/membername This would go to the same subdirectory and page for every member where the page that displays would lookup info about the member based on the requested URL. I tried using the aliasmatch in much the same way that the vhosts_ispconfig.conf file does, however, if I put in something like; AliasMatch ^/member/([^/]+)(/(.*))? /var/www/web11/web/test and goto the following; http://www.companysite.com/member/MyName it gets sent to the following; Code: http://www.companysite.com/member/MyName/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/ what might be causing this and is there a better way to handle something like this? Thanks Ken
Got it working! Hi all, Just posting back to say I got it working. I ended up using the following in an .htaccess file in the root directory; Code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^members/(.*) index.php?var1=$1 Simple enough. Cheers! ken