Hi, I have on my VPS (last stable Debian) installed actual version of ISPConfig 3, which is very nice and helpfull tool. Thank you for it But why I am writing this topic. I have there few PHP versions, which I was added under this tutorial. Now I have there PHP 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0.2. But everytime, if I switch PHP version for some webpage in ISPConfig, it stopped Apache2 service and must be manually started in SSH. If I want to start Apache2 service, there must be added passphrase for SSL/TLS (because I have self signed certificate for ISPConfig webapge only) and after that Apache start and work fine. Is this typical behavior or I have something wrong? Screen with detail of Apache service after change PHP version is attached.
The ssl cert may not be password protected. Apache can not restart automatically then. Create a new ssl cert (does not matter if self signed or not) and do not choose to password protect it with a password.
Yes it is expected behaviour, apaches vhost changes and therefore ISPConfig reloads/restarts the server. You can however add the following config to your apache2.conf SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/path/to/passphrase-file Create a file according to the given path which outputs the passphrase Code: #!/sbin/sh echo "passphrase" Just make sure no evil process/user can access it