Apache2 with PHP4 and PHP5 on Debian Sarge

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by chazaq, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. chazaq

    chazaq New Member

    I am building a web server on which I want php to be able to send email to clients.
    I installed Debian Sarge (netinstall cd) with Apache2 and followed your instructions (FalkoTimme's) on inserting php4 and php5.
    However when I add the following to the apache2-default.conf
    apache will not restart.
    If I comment these lines out Apache restarts okay.

    FYI- I am a Debian newbie.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in the Apache error log?
    Did you follow the tutorial as close as possible, or did you do some modifications?

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