Today is the day when I decided to implement email management into my system via ISPC API. Yes, a real headache ... Now, at first step already seeing a problem: how to generate DKIM key for newly added mail domain via API? I found this file, which is responsible for DKIM generation and it works only by manually clicking button in ISPC. I don't see any other way here, only copy/paste this file content into custom API file and modify "mail_domain_add" API call that with each domain DKIM would be generated. Am I missing something?
Just create a key using openssl command within your script and then add it to ISPConfig using mail_domain_add. No need to use any ISPConfig ajax scripts for that.
So no files are generated? Only DB records? I see that I should also update DNS records, but that's ok. I will try to edit this piece of code to create DKIM in custom API call: PHP: $app->system->exec_safe('echo ?|openssl rsa -pubout -outform PEM 2> /dev/null', $dkim_private);$pubkey = $app->system->last_exec_out();foreach($pubkey as $values) $dkim_public=$dkim_public.$values."\n";$selector = $dkim_selector;$dns_record=str_replace(array('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----','-----END PUBLIC KEY-----',"\r","\n"),'',$dkim_public);$dns_record = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"),'',$dns_record);$dkim_private=json_encode($dkim_private);$dkim_private=substr($dkim_private, 1, -1);$dkim_public=json_encode($dkim_public);$dkim_public=substr($dkim_public, 1, -1); $json = '{'; $json .= '"dkim_private":"'.$dkim_private.'"'; $json .= ',"dkim_public":"'.$dkim_public.'"'; $json .= ',"dkim_selector":"'.$selector.'"'; $json .= ',"dns_record":"'.$dns_record.'"'; $json .= ',"domain":"'.$domain.'"'; $json .= '}';
For future, this is DKIM keys generating code: PHP: //Set these to match your domain and chosen DKIM selector $domain = ''; $selector = 'default'; //Private key filename for this selector $privatekeyfile = $f3->TEMP . 'dkim/' . $domain . '_' . $selector . '_dkim_private.pem'; //Public key filename for this selector $publickeyfile = $f3->TEMP . 'dkim/' . $domain . '_' . $selector . '_dkim_public.pem'; if (file_exists($privatekeyfile)) { echo "Using existing keys - if you want to generate new keys, delete old key files first." . PHP_EOL; $privatekey = file_get_contents($privatekeyfile); $publickey = file_get_contents($publickeyfile); } else { //Create a 2048-bit RSA key with an SHA256 digest $pk = openssl_pkey_new( [ 'digest_alg' => 'sha256', 'private_key_bits' => 2048, 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA, ] ); //Save private key openssl_pkey_export_to_file($pk, $privatekeyfile); //Save public key $pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($pk); $publickey = $pubKey['key']; file_put_contents($publickeyfile, $publickey); $privatekey = file_get_contents($privatekeyfile); } echo "Private key (keep this private!):" . PHP_EOL . $privatekey . PHP_EOL; echo "Public key:" . PHP_EOL . $publickey; //Prepare public key for DNS, e.g. // IN TXT "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; t=s; p=" "MIIBIjANBg...oXlwIDAQAB"... $dnskey = "$selector._domainkey.$domain IN TXT"; $dnsvalue = '"v=DKIM1; h=sha256; t=s; p=" '; //Some DNS servers don't like ;(semi colon) chars unless backslash-escaped $dnsvalue2 = '"v=DKIM1\; h=sha256\; t=s\; p=" '; //Strip and split the key into smaller parts and format for DNS //Many DNS systems don't like long TXT entries //but are OK if it's split into 255-char chunks //Remove PEM wrapper $publickey = preg_replace('/^-+.*?-+$/m', '', $publickey); //Strip line breaks $publickey = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $publickey); //Split into chunks $keyparts = str_split($publickey, 253); //Becomes 255 when quotes are included //Quote each chunk foreach ($keyparts as $keypart) { $dnsvalue .= '"' . trim($keypart) . '" '; $dnsvalue2 .= '"' . trim($keypart) . '" '; } echo PHP_EOL . "DNS key:" . PHP_EOL . trim($dnskey); echo PHP_EOL . "DNS value:" . PHP_EOL . trim($dnsvalue); echo PHP_EOL . "DNS value (with escaping):" . PHP_EOL . trim($dnsvalue2);