Hello Till, I just noticed that when you save an Nginx directive through API eg: Code: location / { rewrite "^/blogs[/]{0,1}$" /modules/boonex/blogs/blogs.php last; } The finel results that are passed to the vhost file are: Code: location / { rewrite \"^/blogs[/]{0,1}$\" /modules/boonex/blogs/blogs.php last; } As you have noticed, it adds \" where there is " With that modification, it kills the directives and thus they can NOT work. Is this a configuration problem or a bug (I report it in bug tracker)? NB: I would like to make that change in the API file it self if its embeded there then will pass it to you if its a bug ...But I request that you point me to the location of the API functions on the debian server. Joseph
Thanks Falko, Though I have: Code: magic_quotes_gpc = Off magic_quotes_runtime = Off magic_quotes_sybase = Off Never the less I seem to have resolved it with: Code: $params['nginx_directives'] = stripslashes($nginx_directives);