Hi, I read a couple of thread on the subject but I'm not sure if its possible to get the running webmail and phpmyadmin apps on port 8081 to actually be showing customer tld using many letencrypts certificate instead of ispserver.crt when accessing them via the nginx server. Currently running a subdomain with redirect to main server domain (the one with the tld in the ispserver certificate) but still annoying to see the change of tld in the adress bar from my customer/reseller point of view. I think I saw someone having a sucessful nginx rewrire rule. Running on debian 11.6 latest from auto install. Cheers, Rock.
I don't think there is for nginx but surely possible for apache2 web server, as the former works quite differently from the latter in that matter. I use nginx but never attempted this but in my mind you may try to customize client's website with nginx directive that create that subfolders while specifying path for each. It's a thought that was never attempted, so test this on trial server before proceeding to the production one.
You can e.g. try to proxy a specific URL of the domain of that reseller to phpmyadmin and RoundCube using custom apache or nginx directives in the apache/nginx directives field of the website of that reseller. Like reseller.tld/webmail to the webmail URL of the apps vhost.