
Discussion in 'General' started by zapyahoo, May 1, 2014.

  1. zapyahoo

    zapyahoo Member

    Is there a reason why the apps.vhost is set to 000?
    In some setups this will be the served host in case of incorrect or missing domains call... example domain without SSL or server ip call.

    000-apps takes precedence over 000-default ... "a"pps comes first then "d"efault

    This affects me because I'm using an external service that calls the webserver ip... so the server presents the first choice 000-apps.

    Each time I upgrade ispconfig I have to fix this, "mv" 000-apps to 100-apps and then create an "ls" from my prefered.vhost to 000-default.

    Why not 100-apps?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The apps vhost shall come before allother sites, thats why the filename starts with 000- and not 100. The apps vhost has its own port, it runs on 8081, so it will not confict with any of your sites running on port 80 or 443.
  3. zapyahoo

    zapyahoo Member

    I never said it conflicted.

    what I said is:
    "000-apps takes precedence over 000-default ... "a"pps comes first then "d"efault"

    not matter the port...
    what it affects:
    incorrect or missing domains call... example domain without SSL or server ip call.

    also... since this seems to be important for ISPconfig3... if changed, moved to 100 what does it affect?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The port matters off course. The default vhost is a global vhost without a specified port, it will catch all incoming requests if no better matching vhost will catch them, the apps vhost is a vhost for port 8081 only, so it is a better matching vhost for connections on port 8081 only, so the apps vhost will never catch a incoming request for port 80 or 443, no matter of its filename. The effect that you decsribed can only happen if you changed the port of the apps vhost to 80 or 443 manually.
  5. zapyahoo

    zapyahoo Member

    I see... will look into the port...
    and post back
  6. zapyahoo

    zapyahoo Member

    yeap... that was it apps port 80???

    fixed now and "mv" 100 to 000 + restarted apache2

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