APS installer - from the local repository

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by spido, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. spido

    spido Member

    I have the need to add my scripts in the local repository for the installation for users.
    ISPmanager has a local repository, where he administrator can add the script http://ru.ispdoc.com/index.php/Коллекция_Web-скриптов_(APS)_(ISPmanager)

    Many panels have such a function, but does not ISPConfig.
    I really need this feature.
    Without this feature, I can not sell my scripts for hosting.
    I'm confused.
    You are planning to in the near future, to create a local repository APS function?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We do not plan to integrate local repositories at the moment. But you might want to add a feature request in the bugtracker if you want to see such a function in ispconfig.
  3. spido

    spido Member

    It makes no sense to leave the inquiry into bug tracker.
    One person has already created a query, 4 years ago, and immediately turned down.
    Other users can read your refusal and does not make a new attempt to to ask the local APS.

    What's stopping you to do this function?
    It's not that hard to do.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Off course it makes sense to post it there as the number of requests for a feature value for its implementation.

    Turned down? You should look more closely, this request has neither been rejected nor closed.

    I just mentioned that ispconfig has already an extension installer with private repositories beside the aps installer.

    Where did I refuse it? When I refuse a request then it has the Label "Won't implement" and the status is closed. I can nowhere see this label and status in this post.

    Time and a developer who is willing to implement it. We have more than thousand feature requests in the queue and other requests received up to hundered votes and our priority is the priority of the ispconfig users which must not necessarily your priority.

    Feel free to implement it and submit the changes to the git master branch. ISPConfig is an open source project, it's code is developed by it's users.
  5. spido

    spido Member

    What is the price development of such features for the money?
    At least to understand about how much it costs.
    You can send me the price, in private messages?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'm not offering development services. But you may ask other ISPConfig develpers by PM like @florian030 or @Croydon if they can give you a quote to implement that feature.

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